Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is it better to accept that you love your ex girlfriend, or just keep trying to stop loving her?

I had a long loving relationship with my ex girlfriend for 3 years, she was my first real love, high school sweetheart, first everything... After the 3 years of being together, she cheated on me, and lied to me countless times about her being with this other guy.. It felt like she ripped my heart out! And no matter what I do to, no matter how hard I try to tell myself that she's no good, I still love her! The thing is, when we were together, she was never like this! She was the most loving girl, so loyal then, always there for me and with me always...then she just changed. She started going out to clubs, (she never liked clubs before) dancing with other guys, dressing slutty! It drove me crazy..I couldn't believe what she had become! She was so innocent before and always had low self esteem about her looks and always thought she was ugly, when I always comforted her and loved her as she was. And she was beautiful. And now with the new her, its like I don't even know who she is anymore...I don't know what made her different, but she's now totally different...

And so eventually they broke up and she came back to me, we then went on and off for about a year and a half and to tell the truth, after all her betrayals and lies, it wasn't the same. And it's sad because we were so much in love before.....She was still acting all skanky and different and I couldn't accept that. I was still bitter because I couldn't accept this new slutty version of her.

Well now, she got with this other guy and I found out through her myspace, and she lied about being with him as usual, but the truth is, I still am in love with her! I can't seem to forget her no matter how hard I try. And she's been with him for 8 months already, and it kills me everyday no matter how busy I am!

So what I really wanted to know is, Is it better to accept your memories and love for your ex girlfriend, or just keep trying to fall out of love with her??? Because no matter how hard I try not to think about her, when something reminds me of her, it hits me times 10 for all the times I avoided thinking of her. Almost like my heart bit me in the *** for ignoring my true feelings...So is it better to forgive her and accept that I'll always love her and live life, or just keep trying to force her out of my head and try to brainwash myself into not ever loving her??(as weird as that sounds...) Thanks in advance.Is it better to accept that you love your ex girlfriend, or just keep trying to stop loving her?
accept itIs it better to accept that you love your ex girlfriend, or just keep trying to stop loving her?
Accept it, be there for her if she needs it, but move on.
Your remenissing (I didn't spell that right, I hope you can still know what it means) about what you two had and you can't or don't wanna move on. You want what you once had, and that's not really a bad thing, but sometimes things change, whether for the better or the worse, doesn't matter. That's just life. Your girlfriend is cheating on you and coming back because she knows you still love her and that you will take her back... she's using you. You need to move on and find someone else or she'll tear you apart and eat the pieces.

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