Friday, August 20, 2010

Guys if your ex girlfriend did this, what would you say to this question?

okay my ex broke my heart... and after that i forgave him and took him back but a week later i found out he was seeing someone else behind my back and he then dumped me after i argued with him about it.

i asked why he asked me back the week before and he said he thought it was what he wanted but it wasn't so great after all and when i asked about the new girl he said '' i don't have to explain myself to you....'' and hung up. i was so hurt so i found the girl and got her number and rang her up and told her how he was two timing me with her and she said thanks for the call and after that she didn't talk to him for a while but kept txting me and wanted to be cool with me.

a few days later i rang my ex up because i missed him that day and wanted to tell him how he hurt me and we were cool after the 'talk' although he didnt apologise for any of it and said he wanted to move on from it all and was rather hostile with me aswel... the next day...

he rang me and said did you talk to her? i said yes and he put the phone down on me.i felt a little bad but then again he hurt me... when he didnt even have to ask me back in the first place because he knew he had already found this new girl.and lied about a lto of things to make me believe him and ended up breaking my heart twice in the end.the next morning i rang him and asked if he was okay and told him i was not trying to ruin things for her and him i jus knew he was never going to tell her and he was angry and told me not to call him anymore and that he didn't want to speak to me for a while... and he would call me when he had calm down.i told him ''well im not sorry'' and he said ''i know you're not sorry'' and that he was going to deal with what he had done himself and i should give him some space. i saw him at the park a few hours later and he didnt even look at me.i was stood there talking to his friends and he was just still playing with the ball acting like i wasn't there but i know he saw me. and just wanted to hurt me.but the thing is.i didnt feel a thing... i thought it would hurt to see him again, i thoguht i would feel bad but i didn't... i thoguht well WHATEVER :/ and looked at him and shook my head and walked off. but my two says i was wrong to call her the other says i did what i had to do. thing is he cheated on a girl before me, now me... he will probably do the same again.i don't know but the new girl has a lot in common with them i think they will be together for a very long not bothered though... im not into him that much now... but i jsut want to be reassured about it all.was i REALLLLLLLLY that wrong? or did he deserve it? and do you think he will actually ring me soon?Guys if your ex girlfriend did this, what would you say to this question?
Okay you did the right thing, but you obviously do WANT him back if you are wondering if he'll call you back. You shouldn't even care if he calls back or not, he should be out of your mind, the guy is a selfish low life. And took advantage of you and your naivety and kindness, and he'll do it again since you seem so willing to be there for him, when he doesn't deserve that from you. Focus on the people in your life who do truly appreciate you and will be there for you, he already proved many times that he is not that kind of person.Guys if your ex girlfriend did this, what would you say to this question?
He must not of did anything really bad if your still waiting for his call.
Yeah... you did screw him over when you called that girl.

But at the same time, you did the right thing.

its weird. Double edged sword i suppose?

Its good you're getting over him, at the same time you probably still have feelings since you're wondering about him.

I think he will call, if it was real to begin with.

But IMO, he sounds like a player from the getgo.

Don't have to explain himself lol, you were his GF!! lmao, he owes it to you!

answer mine please :;鈥?/a>
no you had done nothing wrong at all

you've actually done the right thing by warning this new girl of the kind of guy her new boyfriend is.

as for your friend that she that you were wrong to tell the other girl well she most likely doesn't understand what the situation was like.

cheaters always deserve getting caught cause it'll allow their other to know when to start looking for the signs if they are doing it again.

though I don't think he'll call ya up anytime soon cause guys like that hate it when they are caught or have been told out.
he definately deserved it, and you did the right thing .. ur a very good person for letting her know what shes getting herself into :)

he may or may not call.. but he sounds like a spaztic anyway so who cares!! get out there and have some fun being single, knowng u dont need this sh*t :) mine?
Why do you care if he rings you? You obviously still care for him or you would have cut him out of your life by now. Okay it's one thing to lie to us, but don't lie to yourself in process. It's alright to admit that you may still have feelings for him. If you had strong feelings for someone, it's tough to get rid of them. However, that being said...try not to act on those feelings! He is scum! He two timed you, then did not apologize for his behavior. He is the worst of the worse.

That was cool of you to tell the other girl. Hopefully you did it because girls have to look out for one another when that sort of thing happens, and not because you wanted to piss her off and break them up.

Last advice: Cut that bastard out of your life completely! He is not worth it.

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