Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to get my ex-girlfriend back?

Here's what happened.

When i was still courting her, Ive seen that my girl saeran, was a weak person. at the smallest presence of pressure, she would easily be scared and panicky. for this ive decided to be the one person where she could easily get her strength from.

i have trust issues. and when we were already in the relationship, she told me she had an ex-girlfriend. now this wasnt really easy for me. after a few months of smooth sailing, this caused me to lose trust in her friends. i became overprotective and paranoid. this caused her harm but we stood strong and eventually, i learned to trust her friends.

then i decided to get a job and quit school. this was rather painful, as we were used to seeing each other and being with each other all the time. but we were able to tough it out, spending whatever time we had wisely and happily.

then came a time when both of us lost time for each other. i became paranoid because i felt forgotten. saeran had new friends since i wasnt able to be with her. this brought a lot of problems for me. all her new friends are strangers to me and i dont trust them not one bit. and these new friends of her seemed to always want to get drunk. now this caused me to become more of a control freak, and she wasnt able to do what she wanted regarding these new friends of hers. one day she broke up with me. she told me that she felt stranggled and she didnt know what to do.

i realized this, and i was able to fix the problem. i now trusted her more, and i just told myself consistently that she wouldnt choose to do anything that could hurt me or our relationship.

after a few days of separation, we eventually got together.

but still, we had fights. we never seem to be able to talk on the phone or personally, and i had become too scared that our relationship was falling apart. i became too concerned that i tried so hard to look for the spot where we went wrong. i was trying so much, that even small things turned big because i was thinking that they couldve caused all this. in short i strangled and stressed her too much with my paranoia.

one day, i woke up with sweet messages from her. and i felt like calling her so i did. then came an argument (caused by me making small things bigger). she misunderstood my point and was already crying so she hung up the phone on me. i decided to go to her place and talk to her. upon arriving, well she was mad at me for being there. i wanted to talk to her (and this is one problem too, because i never did gave her time for serious talks, i always wanted to talk immediately.) she wasnt trying at all. in desperation, i told her that maybe she was so angry at me because she didnt want the relationship anymore. i asked her if she still wanted to be with me, and that if she still loves me, and her only response was a shoulder shrug.

but she had somewhere else to go to with her sister. so she was hastily moving and was about to take a bath and let me go when i told her ';please, before letting me out of your house, let's finish this conversation.'; that's where she told me that she didnt want to be with me anymore..

ive forgotten that saeran was not at all strong and that she needed me to be her safety net and as a source of strength. she didnt need me as a parent.

here are somethings she told me the first time things got messy:

1.) i was the only person who loved her the most, but also the one who have hurt her the most.

2.)she thanked me for not ever lying to her.

3.)she thanked me for not ever cheating on her.

what do i do? i know she still loves me. but i really want her back.How to get my ex-girlfriend back?
She's not interested in a geek like you. Sorry.How to get my ex-girlfriend back?
Both of you need counseling.
give her some time. a Little more if you already have then talk to her. A serious talk. If she isnt sure about it prove to her that you trust her, love her and are willing to do anything to prove that to her and get back with her. Earn her trust again, and show that you do trust her. If she still doesn't want to give it a try then i am sorry but it is time to move on!

i hope this helps


wow sounds like ur relationship has been rocky... all i can say is give her time.. apologize, tell her to think about it and get back to you.. tll her youre willing to change


sometimes we make big mistakes in relationships that cant be fixed and all we can do is learn from them and know what NOT to do in our next relationships...

i know you dont want to hear that but no matter how hard or how long it takes to get over someone youll always have the memories and know it was something good... LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL and we cant let the past ruin what chances wemight have in the future!!
It sounds like you can't get her back. I'm sorry but it sounds like you were being a total jerk to her. You knew what she needed and you were what she needed for a short period of time. Then you became the exact opposite of what she needed. Figure out what you did right and use that in a new relationship. Sorry but you lost Saeran

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