Friday, August 20, 2010

Do you think males are more likely to get back together with a ';HOT'; ex?

For example, if a man meets up with an ex-girlfriend. She looks so much more attractive than when they were seeing each other. Do you think he would be more persuaded to chase after her again?

...compared to a female who meets up with an ex-boyfriend. Roles reversed, the guys looks really hot. Would she more likely try to get them back?

They always say men are more visual creatures. Your opinions would be much appreciated!

What is one thing that would NEVER make you take your ex back (no matter how hot)?

ex. cheated, lied alot, stole etc.Do you think males are more likely to get back together with a ';HOT'; ex?
No, I don't think so.

As a man, I remind myself of WHY we broke up in the first place.

That pretty much squashes any other desires I might have for her.Do you think males are more likely to get back together with a ';HOT'; ex?
who would take someone back if they did those things?

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